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0% Interest, Other Options Available During Catholic Cemeteries Open House Weekends In Mahwah and Franklin Lakes, NJ in October
NEWARK, N.J., Sept. 22, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — The past year’s challenges have enlightened many to realize there has never been a better time to protect their loved ones’ legacy. The loss of a loved one is a significant life event that is often a time of sorrow, and uncertainty but the following open house events can provide peace of mind and significant savings.
The next open house weekend is scheduled for Saturday, September 30, and Sunday, October 1, at Maryrest Cemetery and Mausoleum in Mahwah, NJ, and Christ The King Cemetery in Franklin Lakes, both just 25 miles from New York City in Bergen County, NJ.
All open house events are scheduled from 8:30 am – 4:30 pm.
Caring and professional Memorial Planning Advisers will meet with visitors in a clean, safe, and socially distanced environment to share information about Catholic burial and cremation options, memorialization, and financial planning. There are several payment options available, including 0% interest for 48 months.
The cemeteries are located as follows: Maryrest Cemetery & Mausoleum, 770 Darlington Avenue, Mahwah, NJ. Christ The King Cemetery, 980 Huron Road, Franklin Lakes, NJ.
All open house events are scheduled from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Appointments are not necessary and there is no obligation. Visitors are encouraged to fill out and submit the online form at the relevant website:
For more information, visit the main website:
SOURCE Catholic Cemeteries of the Archdiocese of Newark
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